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The Terry Benjey Bicycling Foundation aims to improve bicycling opportunities and safety in the Cape Fear Region of North Carolina



The Terry Benjey Bicycling Foundation improves safe bicycling in southeast NC by working with partner agencies and the community at large to promote the use of bicycles for transportation, recreation and fitness. This promotion takes the form of education, advocacy, partnerships and inviting investment across our 3-county region.

The Goals of the Foundation are:





Promote the use of bicycles in the Cape Fear Region of North Carolina for transportation, recreation, and fitness.

Advocate for appropriate design, funding, and construction of accommodations and facilities for bicycling throughout the Cape Fear Region.


Promote public awareness of ways to safely share roads, trails, and greenways between bicyclists and other users of the facilities.

Educate the public about ways that increased use of bicycles for transportation for the benefit of public health and fitness, as well as contribute to the quality and conservation of our environment.

Educate youth and adults in bicycle handling skills, bicycle maintenance, and safe bicycle driving skills.

Terry Benjey had a passion for cycling throughout his life.  Bicycling was both his means of transportation and a joy early in his life in rural Illinois.  By the age of fourteen he had turned his family’s garage into a “bike shop” and teenage gathering spot.  Having developed bicycle maintenance and entrepreneurial skills, he and brother Tom (these the elder two of ten siblings!)  later moved the “shop” into town.  Bicycling was central to Terry’s social life; with his natural sense of humor, gift of gab, and upbeat attitude attracting many into his circle of friends.


Following a stretch in the Air Force, where he learned the basics of computer workings, (back when a computer took up the space of a large room), Terry gravitated to Wilmington, NC, and continued to advance his computer career working at the port and later the StarNews. Eventually he established his own computer services, marketing his company with the phrase, “When the chips are down, call the T.E. Benjey Company”.

Terry continued to make friends and to help others form friendships through the Cape Fear Cyclists.  He frequently designed outings and tours for the group.  Many a day he would drive a new route to check it out for the club’s Saturday ride schedule, and then he would stay up late to map it and create a cue sheet.  That was before Google Maps made the tasks so much easier and less time consuming!  The club still uses many of “Terry’s routes.”

Terry is remembered for the many ways he participated in cycling events and supported the creation (1972) and development of the Cape Fear Cyclists for more than 40 years.  As a founding member, Terry set a pattern of initiative, reliability, and generosity in lending his skills and personal caring to promote the club’s accomplishments. The cape Fear region will continue to benefit from Terry’s vision, leadership, and cycling advocacy for years to come.

About Terry

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